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      My passion to help children reach their potential began when I was a senior in high school. I volunteered to help children with learning differences become better readers. It was at that time I knew I wanted to become a teacher. I received my elementary education degree from East Carolina University and

I taught grades K-5 for several years.

     However, after teaching in the regular classroom, my interest grew in the field of gifted education. I wanted to help support the smart kids who seemed to struggle to get their academic needs met on a daily basis. I earned my master's degree in gifted education from Kent State University and I transitioned

 to become a gifted intervention specialist.

     This position has been rewarding for me in many ways. Through education practices such as curriculum compacting, mentorships, and acceleration, I have helped smart children find happiness in their schools. Parents also found answers to their important questions and learned how to become the best advocate for their child. 

     Now, I am a gifted education consultant with my own company called Smart Strategies, LLC. I help teachers, parents, and school administrators properly identify gifted and twice-exceptional children and learn the best ways to meet their academic, social and emotional needs. I also provide professional development on topics like differentiating instruction and meeting the needs of gifted children in the regular classroom and speak to groups about the misdiagnosis of gifted and twice-exceptional students.

 My book: Twice-Exceptional Boys: A Roadmap to Getting it Right

is available at Gifted Unlimited, LLC (2022) and other retailers like Amazon.

My second book with co-author John Truitt called: Navigating Neurodiversity: My Journey as a Twice-Exceptional Adult will be available August 27, 2024 at Gifted Unlimited, LLC and other retailers like Amazon.

I can be reached at:

                                        I am a member of:
          The National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC)
          The Ohio Association for Gifted Children (OAGC)
          Supporting Emotional Needs of the Gifted (SENG)
Beach Fench


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2022 by Deborah Gennarelli 

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